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Teen Programs

Explore your passions, develop leadership skills and get higher education and career assistance

Congratulations Quest-Bridge Finalists Leonora G & Arame Z!

Two of our College Bound Club members – Arame Z. and Leonora G. – made it to the final round of the Quest-Bridge Match Scholarship! This highly prestigious scholarship grants early admission and a full 4-year ride to the nation’s best colleges. Congratulations to Leonora, Arame, and our staff supporting the College Bound Program, on this impressive accomplishment!

In partnership with CA Alliance and the Governor’s Office of Research and Planning, our teens are raising awareness in the community about safety resources during extreme heat events and water conservation. Check out these helpful resources to stay cool and save our water!

Youth of the Year

Compete to sefie who will represent our Clubs

Show your grit! Compete against other members for the title of Youth of the Year (YOY). The YOY represents our Club, advancing to regional, state and national competitions.

College Bound

Work with a college coach to chart your path to success

Our College Bound case managers work with each member to help them write personal statements, select where to apply for higher education and apply for scholarships.

Career Path Dash

Speed dating for career exposure

Meet with countless professionals and explore your career options. You will gain valuable insight on how you can successfully pursue your passions.

Leaders in Training

Be a leader in your Club

Develop leadership skills, self discipline and teamwork. LIT’s assist our young Club members, lead recreational activities and provide additional support. You will gain valuable work experience and explore educational and career opportunities through personal guidance and career development workshops.

Youth of the Year

In partnership with CA Alliance and the Governor’s Office of Research and Planning, our teens are raising awareness in the community about safety resources during extreme heat events and water conservation. Check out these helpful resources to stay cool and save our water!

Jasmine G: Youth of the Year Winner 2023

Jasmine is a Senior with Project Based Learning at Santa Monica High School. She is a motivated, determined, and creative student with a passion for working with children. She is excited to work towards her goal of becoming an Occupational Therapist.

Silvia S: Youth of the Year Winner 2022

Silvia is currently a junior at Santa Monica High School. She began her time at the club 8 years ago when we had housing sites with Community Corporation of Santa Monica. She is now one of our top Leaders in Training as well as a member of our Keystone Club at Main Branch. Silvia Wishes to attend USC after graduating with the goal of joining the FBI.

Thank you to our Sponsor, Kiwanis Club of Santa Monica

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